Saturday, May 2, 2009

Considering the Ill-Considered Flyover at Ground Zero

Yes, I know... a ton has already been written the recent flyover ground zero by Air Force One and 2 F-16 fighter jets, but I still feel the need to comment.

First - The insensitivity of the action astounds me. Was there no one involved in planning this event that considered the visual to those on the ground? Did no one bring up a concern for the public response to a Boeing 747 buzzing Manhattan? Even when I watch clips on YouTube it seems surreal.

Second - At a time when our country is in such financial chaos the administration needs glamor shots of Air Force One in New York? For what possible purpose? Ever hear of photoshop?

Finally - As information began to trickle out on the planning of this flyover, it became clear that the administration DID get warned that this could cause public panic. At that point the NYPD was told to keep it quiet.

In the end, $328,835 was spent to take a few photos and terrorize citizens. Not all 'Change' is good change...

1 comment:

  1. Im still shocked at how ignorant they were handling this incident. Complete morons.

    Cool Springs
